Monday, May 26, 2008


We close on the house on Thursday. Therefore, I am going to take my first load of Carson items in the back seat and truck and drop off the first load as soon as we close. We are then going to measure for the blinds and refridge so we can start working on those.

Eric, John and I went shopping this weekend for new furniture. There are three stores in Chilli and two are closed on Sunday. So, it was good to get an idea of what we both want and be able to at least have a general idea of prices. We are going to get a new couch, love seat and recliner. I want a couch with the recliner on the end. We aren't taking this crap with us for sure!!! It was free before and will be free to the next person for sure!

Packing has been a chore because I didn't realize just how tough being pregnant and packing would be. Whose idea was this anyway?! Eric and John were able to get his room packed up yesterday. It was great to have her helping and going through his toys. BUT, there is sooooo much more to get finished! We started in his room so we could use his closet and room to store boxes out of the way!

In the way is all of Carson's items. They have taken up the entire living room! I can't wait to get them into the new house! I will just put them in the middle of the room until we get things painted, and the furniture here to know where everything is going to be placed.

My "break" is over now, so back to packing. I am working on packing up the bathrooms right now. I have a tendency to buy items in bulk and now I wish that wasn't the case. I have seven bottles of spray gel and hairspray and 13 toothbrushes. Eric has about 8 containers of deodorant and three extra shampoos! HE HE

My favorite part is going to be packing up the Sam's Club supply of Pads and Tampons. RIGHT before I found out I was prego, I went to buy a box of tampons. So, not only will I have the massive amounts of hair care products, I will have the female supplies as well. :) I am sure whoever moves those will get a kick out of the massive supply and I don't even need them right now! (Boy, I don't miss that to say the least!)

Lastly, school is ending and this year has went by so fast. Half of it was because I have a great class and the other half it that I have been pregnant! I don't want this group to go on!!! Our last student day is 7 days from now! Ironically, I won't be with them for one day because of the closing on the house and another half day for the baby appt. So, the last seven days are going to FLY!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

32 weeks/House

We have found a house in Southern Point. It's located about 12 min. from Grove City. I can't wait to move closer to C-bus and most of my friends!!!

Here is a picture of me from 32 weeks. ;)

Saturday, May 3, 2008

30 weeks

As of yesterday, I am 30 weeks along! I can't believe how fast the time has just been chucked out the window. Last Monday I had a check-up and everything is going great with baby Carson!! The only part that has me a tad-bit worried is that I was exposed to fifths disease from one of my students. My doctor gave me the "oh crap" look when I mentioned this to her. My blood test came back in Dec. as negative that I hadn't been exposed, so I had to take another blood test. I am STILL waiting for the results. I don't know much about the disease and haven't researched it. I am trying to remain positive and not waste my time stressing about it. I am really impressed with the lack of weight that I have gained. I have only gained 9 pounds so far! I know others aren't impressed because they give me lectures, but I honestly am just eating more healthy! My husband doesn't like many sweets, so thankfully Carson doesn't either. The doctor isn't worried, so why is everybody else?

I can't believe that I am going to be visiting the doctor every two weeks now! TIME IS FLYING! I wore my first maternity shirt last Friday to Carrie's birthday party. Then, I went another week without wearing them! Again, Friday came lecture time about not wearing maternity clothes, so I went out Friday and spent WAY TOO MUCH. So, Monday morning, I will be fitted with maternity shirts and pants! I am sure there will be something else I get a lecture for, but I won't be hearing this one anymore!

The house hunting update: We found a great house in Southern Point (just south of Grove City). But, it's a bank short sale and those could take 2 weeks to two months. I want to be in a house by the time the baby gets here. It's not fair to Carson to not have a baby decorated room. Yes, we have three bedrooms here, but then the computer room would be in the living room. Bottom line, I want a new place before the baby gets here. We are going to look at a few more tomorrow in Southern Point as well. Cross your fingers that something will fall into place. Usually the cards fall for me and my life, but it's hard to think "things will work out when they are meant to work out". I want a house closer to my job, most of my friends and family when this baby is born!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus, I know that I won't let anybody come down here to visit me and I think I will go insane without seeing people! :)

That's the update per Cara's request!