Saturday, April 19, 2008

The background blog....

My friends Jenn, Marie and Cara have a baby website and after further thought, I thought I would try this. I know it will be really beneficial to keep people up to date after Carson arrives.

Marie uses it a lot because she has three bundles of joy (all girls) and with that many babies at one time, there is no way she can e-mail or call everybody and keep them updated.

So, with that said, here is my first blog!

The road to getting pregnant was much more difficult than it has been being pregnant for sure.

Eric and I tried and with the help of Clomid (only one month) thankfully, we found out a cute one would be on the way. I was really shocked to say the least. I almost didn't believe it was true, so had to run down and show Eric's aunt Barbara and his mother. I should have waited for EG to be home to do it, but I honestly didn't think I wasn't pregnant. I would have waited much longer to find out, had my best friend Carrie threatened to put a pregnancy test on my desk. That would have been mortifying!

Thankfully, with my hour drive to work every day, I didn't have to get up earlier and spend time puking, or pull over for that fact. I have been really lucky! I was dizzy a bit in the afternoon, but a small snack would help with that.

I truly can't believe that I am already 7 months along. I am anxiously awaiting to find a new home, so that I can get settled in and decorate the baby work. There isn't room in the house here in Chillicothe. Yes, it's 3 bedrooms, but I don't want to give up the beautiful desk that I have and private area for my studies. I like to have the time alone on the computer, grading papers and lesson planning. Also, I don't want the living room and the computer to be together. Eric likes the TV too loud!

The process of buying a home has hit a bump. We found a great home in South Bloomfield (about 20 min. from GC). It was too good to be true and I am glad that we found out before it was too late. It had water damage in the basement, therefore creating mold. So, with the time crunch, unless the miracle house comes along (yeah right), I just want to move to GC and rent for a year. I am shocked that even my mom thinks that is a better idea!!!

As I hit the 7 month mark, I am sure people are sick of hearing me brag about not being in maternity clothes. But, I am pumped! It's nice to know I haven't had to buy a whole new wardrobe. Again, to Carrie's dismay, who thinks I should be showing this baby belly off. I think a lot of it has do that I am eating much more healthy than I normally would. Well, I still have some crud food sometimes though. Also, my shirts were always bigger because I dislike having tight clothes.

I do miss having Iced Tea and Chocolate. Even though I was drinking Decaf tea about 6 months prior to actually getting pregnant, I was using Sweet-n-Low. Now I have to use Splenda and it just isn't the same. So, I drink my one Sprite a day for lunch, and drink a lot of water. Carrie turned me on to putting lemon in the water and a Splenda. It tastes like Lemonade (ironically before being prego, I hated Lemonade!!). I am unable to eat much chocolate because Carson doesn't like it. About 20 min. after eating, even a small Hershey's or snickers, the little boy is kicking. I guess he will be like this father and big brother and not be a big sweets person. That has to come from the Grey side of the family!!!

John has played an instrumental part in the pregnancy. He was the first one to find out what we were having. Eric thought it would be neat to have John see the picture, and then tell us. He wanted a little brother really bad, so his face was so bright when he said "It's a boy". He was able to help go pick out clothes etc. for the registry. He told us that day it was more fun than playing a video game. I love my Halo 2 too much to agree with him on that one, but I am glad that he enjoyed himself! He thinks it is really neat to hear the updates of Carson growing and feeling him kick. He will be an EXCELLENT big brother. I look forward to seeing their interaction together.

I have made this blog rather long. Every Sat. tends to be relaxing day. I don't sleep enough during the week and my body is run down. My voice is gone, I feel like crud and the rain doesn't help the situation. However, there are papers to grade and laundry to do, so I am going to end this.

Hope you enjoyed the lengthy first blog! Tip your glasses to many more!


Cara said...

Yeah for your Blog!! bout time for an update!

BuckeyeBundle said...

YEA!!! WElcome to BLOG WORLD! It is so addicting!!!!

I have been thinking of you and it's so great to hear you are doing so well! I love the name CARSON! :)