My five month old has TWO teeth!

I guess I am too stupid for this program...but the OSU picture was to be first. Anyways, grammy came to visit for the OSU party at the neighbors so here's a pictures of her and her grandkids.
We started rice because he just wasn't getting enough to eat. (*see picture above*)
The doctor said it was better to give him food than to use the formula mixed with breastmilk, so rice it is. Night two---he slept from 9am to 6 am and then grammy got him up to rock him while I pumped and he went back to sleep from 6:30 to 8:00!
:) Sorry that I have taken FOREVER to upload pictures and of course, now I am unable to find the cord that I need to upload them. :( OH, but you are saved because here are some pictures from mom's camera!
:) Sorry that I have taken FOREVER to upload pictures and of course, now I am unable to find the cord that I need to upload them. :( OH, but you are saved because here are some pictures from mom's camera!
I do read all of your blogs while I am feeding, but haven't found the time to use two hands and type. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.
Lastly, I haven't taken Carson to get any professional pictures taken yet! :( But, here's a look at Mr. Snowman:) I GIVE UP ON THE PICTURES!
It does take awhile to get the pictures how you want them on this site. I find it easier to download pictures first and then write.
Carson is a cutie as always! And bless little boys, they are such easy eaters!
Oh and I should add that the pictures post in opposite order of how you downloaded them, I am not sure why and it is a real pain! ;)
Yeah! finally some new pics! such a cutie!! I agree, the pic order thing is hard, you can drag them to where u want them after they download.
Yea! Welcome back! Love the pictures! and two teeth already....wow...Ava is just NOW cutting her first and she's 9 months. The other two both have 2 teeth, but looks like Carson is going to be chomping ahead of the girls!
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