Since mommy was on Spring Break, she was clueless about the date. She kept thinking it was Sat. the whole time. In fact, April 10th is Daddy and Mommy's 5 years of dating. So, not only did I forget to give Daddy his card, I forgot to take a picture of you on your 9 month mark. OOPS! So, grammie stopped by on her way to KY and therefore we took a 9 month and 1 month quick snap. I think mommy has to have an excuse to buy a new digital camera because she is unable to find the cord that connects to her computer! :) I love excuses to buy something new.
Ok, this post is about you. So, here's 9 funnies about you.
1. Your many faces. It's so funny to see the many faces you can partake in a given day. I don't know why the fish face is your favorite at this point in time. Your other favorite is a mean look
I haven't been able to get a picture of yet.
2. You are a champ at climbing the stairs. It first starting when you thought it would be fun to chase the kids at Missy (the awesome babysitter's house) to the toy room. You went up on your first try and continue to love to go up the stairs. (picture of my camera! :() Of course, the funny part is that you stop to check to ensure someone is behind you and/or that someone is paying attention to you!
3. Your need to find whatever you can to be entertained. Whether it's a box or your laundry hamper. If you have someone playing with you, you are golden for hours.
4. The way you use whatever is around for a teething ring. I might as well have saved some money on the actual rings they commercially make. You LOVE to use blocks and the edge of the binkies.
(Don't mind the sticker that my brother thought would be great to torment him with!!)
5. I know I have mentioned this bath time before. But, you never cease to amaze me at your bath time skills. Daddy is usually the bath man, but mommy has taken it over during Spring Break. I love how you think it's time to play give mommy a toy to put in her mouth and then I will put a toy in my mouth. I love how you stand up on the edge of the bathtub because you think you are super cool because you can stand up now! Your smile at the end of the bath in your cute hoodie towel makes me laugh! You love the frog and crocodile.
7. Your laugh is funny. When you see the tickle bugs coming you begin to laugh. You someone stop when you are nursing just to laugh if mommy moves her hands just right, you think I'm coming to tickle you! I love hearing you laugh.
8. There really isn't anything "funny" about this one but I wanted to add that you have only slept through the night 2 of the last 10 nights. Between that 7th tooth coming in and your need to be "not fed enough", you can't stand asleep long enough or even take the best of naps. It was a rough Spring Break!
9. It's funny that you are a charmer already. You put your best face on and charm whoever is around. Whether it's now telling them "dadddddaaaa or no no no no no no no", smiling, crawling, standing, eating, whatever it may be you are a blue eyed ornery stubborn charmer! I don't know where you get some of the things that you get. Ugh ok, I wish I could say that I wasn't the ornery stubborn one but sorry Carson, you are a lot like mommy!!
We love you lots!
Aw! carson you are such a big boy now!!!
I love baby giggles, too! They are contagious! I hope month 10 is easier on you than month 9 for the sleeping! (Carson~Your mom needs her rest when she goes back to school!)
Thanks, Julie! I LOVED reading this!!
Aw! those are some great photos! Love all of the smiles! So cute!
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