The journey began when daddy and mommy thought a 12:30 at night fun times would be ok since your brother took forever to happen! However, that wasn't the case! We are very thankful that happened as we weren't convinced we were going to have any more children! I'm thankful you were a surpise!
At the appt when we found out you were a girl, you mom screamed loud...people that work there knew it was a girl! You were stubborn (doomed already) and didn't show us a great heart beat! Therefore, at 28 weeks it was time for another ultrasound and news that you have a multicystic displastic kideny. Therefore, mom was monitored very closey throughout the pregnancy! For example, she was sent to the high risk Dr. At OSU (great facility) and I had stress tests (nst's) two times a week! It was hectic getting ready for your arrival! Not only were we dealing with that throw in 8 weeksof lesson plans and Christmas shopping!!
At 37 weeks and 3 days, mommy went to the dr and she had some protein in her urine (she literally got excited when that happened!!), you had low fluid around the sac and had already weighed 7 lbs 2 oz. so they decided to go ahead and schedule an induction. I was soooo excited, it was like Christmas had already arrived! Plus, I was sick of having my back ache, and waddle like I was pregnant! Also, our insurance was going to go up to basically throw 500.0o out the window, we got a tax break and Grammie was on vacation!
We made it through Christmas, including hosting mommy's side of the family at the house the day before you were born! :)
On 12/28, mommy and daddy went to the hospital at 8am to get the antibiotic needed for the Strep B. I was already 4 cm when I arrived. At noon, my water broke on his own, at 1:10 I got my pain meds and by 3:45 pm you had arrived. Mommy was in la la land and didn't tell the nurses like she was supposed to when she felt the pressure. I got impatient *imagine that* and kept saying "I wanna hold my girl" and we hit the nurse button. Had Dr. Ezzie not already been at the hospital awaiting your arrival, she would have missed the birth! OOPS! But, thanks for being so ready to enter the world, you only made mommy push ONE TIME!!! Daddy, Grammie and Grandma Nino were all present for the birth! Brother John and Carson were at home with Aunt Carrie making you arts and crafts for your arrival home! My surprise baby girl was born at 345. P.M on December 28, 2009 weighing in at 7 lbs and 12 oz. However, you went home with a lot less..7 lbs and 3 oz.
We love having another baby in the house, especialy breaking the all boy pattern on daddy's side!!
Monday we are going to be heading to Children's Hospital to get an ultrasound of your kidney to see what action has to take place!
1 comment:
What a sweetheart! I loved reading the "story" of Marissa...she is a blessing, and I can just imagine how loud you screamed when you found out it was a girl! :) Keep us all updated on baby Marissa! She's a cutie!
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